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Benefits of mixed age classes:
There are definitely advantages. Many children flourish in an environment where there is more scope to engage with both older and younger peers at different times. They learn to associate and form friendships with a larger group than in a single age class where they may associate only with a small group of similar aged children. Children in mixed classes in a small school get the opportunity to develop wider friendships across classes, and indeed across the school.
Some children enjoy being ‘stretched’ by having access to parts of the curriculum which they would not encounter in a single age range class.
Some will also thrive when they can learn or play with children younger than themselves and maybe sustain for a longer period some of the fantasy play that they really enjoy. Being part of a group with a wider age range of children can allow for all sorts of benefits, and some schools prefer to use what is sometimes called ‘vertical grouping’ to arrange their classes as they are all too aware of the potential benefits, and believe that these out-weigh any disadvantages.
It is definitely not a second-best option – there are sound educational arguments in favour of mixed-age range classes.
Our overview. Have a look at what we are learning this half term.
Spring Term 1 - 2024/5