Developing Designers of the future
Design and technology will be inspiring, rigorous and practical. Using creativity and imagination, pupils will design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. Children will develop a critical understanding of the impact of Design and technology on daily life and the wider world.
Across our federation, Design and Technology is an exciting, engaging and practical subject. Children are motivated through the imaginative and creative approach to learning, they are given many opportunities to design and make products that discover resolutions for real life problems within a variety of different contexts. When teaching Design and Technology, there are numerous opportunities to improve a wider range of subject knowledge, including disciplines such as Mathematics, Science, Computing, Art and Engineering. Through our Design and Technology curriculum children take risks whilst becoming independent problem solvers. The Design and Technology curriculum is divided into 5 specific areas, these include; Structures, Textiles, Mechanisms, Electrical Systems and Nutrition and Cooking.
Design and Technology follows the Design, Make and Evaluate cycle.
Design: Through discussion and research, children develop and design a functional product based upon their design criteria.
Make: Whilst following their design, children carefully select various tools, equipment and materials to construct their product.
Evaluate: Children work with their peers to evaluate their finished products whilst considering the original design criteria. They critique their work and consider ways in which it could be improved.
Across both schools, we work closely with Phunky Foods. The Phunky Foods mission is to improve the dietary and physical activity habits of young children (aged 2-11 years) across the UK by helping to create supportive learning environments for health in Early Years settings and primary schools.
The PhunkyFoods Programme aims to help Early Years settings and primary schools to deliver a whole-school approach to healthy lifestyles and to engage with all pupils, and their families, in promoting tangible health behaviour changes in a fun, lively and positive manner.