Norland CE School



As a school we have defined spirituality as:

 ‘Spirituality is not something we can see.  It is about awe and wonder, asking some of life’s biggest questions, appreciation, inspiration and being aware of something bigger than ourselves.  We provide opportunities for everyone to deeply explore relationships and connections between ourselves, others, the world and beyond. This enables everyone to gain a sense of belonging, responding together to the world around us and reflecting and making connections between experiences allowing us to develop a strong moral sense through wonder, exploration, reflection, love and growth.  It is a way of being and everyone’s spiritual journey will be unique and so enables everyone to flourish in their own way.


Our definition of spirituality as exploring relationships and connections enables us to design lessons that encourage awe, wonder, and reflection. Weekly big questions prompt deep thinking and discussions at school which can be followed up at home, fostering a sense of belonging and moral development. The unique spiritual journey of each individual is respected and supported, allowing all to flourish in their own way.


Spiritual development is interwoven into our curriculum through activities that encourage reflection, exploration of big questions, and appreciation for the world and beyond. This is through all subject areas, such as Science, history and beyond. By creating opportunities for spiritual growth, we ensure that pupils engage with their own beliefs and values, fostering a strong moral sense in the process.